Endorsed by
Endorsed By Democratic Leaders:
State Representative Sheryl Cole, Texas House District 51 Democratic nominee Maria Luisa "LuLu" Flores, Councilmembers Ann Kitchen, Leslie Pool, Kathie Tovo and Pio Renteria, Travis County Commissioners Brigid Shea and Ann Howard, Sheriff Sally Hernandez, and South Austin Constable Stacy Suits
Every public safety, environmental, Democratic, and labor group endorsing in this race has endorsed Ken Craig, as well as community groups and hundreds of D5 and Austin residents. They know he can hit the ground running and bring his experience, qualifications, and values to move Austin forward.

Austin Firefighters Association
"I am honored by the support of Austin firefighters, who put their lives on the line to keep us safe. I am committed to protecting every neighborhood - with fire/EMS stations within a four minute travel time of every residence in Austin. I helped champion the Fire/EMS Station 49 on Old San Antonio Rd (opened in 2019) and the Goodnight Ranch station - a new fire and EMS station recently funded for South Austin." - Ken Craig

Austin EMS Association
"Our EMS medical professionals are the front line both for crisis response/transport and for a healthy population. From vaccines to Community Health Paramedics to wellness checks, EMS is often the only intervention before crisis care and hospitalization is required. I commit to work with the Association to enhance their work for a safe and healthy community" - Ken Craig

Sierra Club, Lone Star Chapter
"I am honored to have earned the Sierra Club's trust to address climate change and protect Austin's environment. I commit to working together to meet climate and conservation goals; encourage parks, green space, and housing along transit corridors; enact code improvements to water quality, stormwater management, and tree preservation; create a forward thinking Zilker vision plan and more" - Ken Craig

Clean Water Action
"I am proud to have the endorsement of Clean Water Action. I am committed to increasing water quality protection; xeric vegetation; recycled, reclaimed and run-off water; and will promote Water Forward, the Climate Equity Action Plan, and water quality, stormwater management, and tree preservation code improvement" - Ken Craig

Austin Environmental Democrats
"We must address climate change and I am committed to protecting our water, parks, green space, tree canopy and natural beauty for everyone in Austin. I'm honored to have the endorsement of Austin Environmental Democrats". - Ken Craig

Bike Texas
"Whether we cycle or not, Austinites all benefit from safe, economical, and convenient active transportation options, including first/last mile connections to transit like electric MetroBikes. I look forward to working with BikeTexas to promote increased safety and improved conditions so people have a real opportunity to add bicycling to their transportation options" - Ken Craig

Stonewall Democrats
"I value a partnership with the LGBTQIA+ community that will not only continue to work for justice, but also celebrate diversity. I am proud to have earned the endorsement of Stonewall Democrats!" - Ken Craig

Capital Area Progressive Democrats
Central Austin Democrats
South Austin Democrats
"I'm proud to have received the endorsement of every Democratic group endorsing in this race. I will stand strong against the actions of Governor Abbott and the State Legislature to limit access to reproductive healthcare and curtail our freedoms" - Ken Craig

Austin Asian American PAC
"I look forward to partnering with the Asian American community to ensure diversity and representation in city leadership, economic development for all [and M/WBE, HUB, and affirmative action programs]; supporting the Asian American Cultural Center, and much needed services for immigrants. I am honored to have earned the Austin Asian American PAC endorsements" - Ken Craig

AFSCME Local 1624 (American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees)
"I am proud of the support I've received from city employees because it recognizes my commitment to making Austin a liveable city for everyone, including our city's public servants, who work day-in and day-out on improving our health, parks, roads, libraries, recycling and much more." - Ken Craig

Austin AFL-CIO Central Labor Council
"This endorsement recognizes my commitment to labor, the people we all rely on to make our city a better place to live - our teachers, building trades, public employees. I grew up in a union household and learned from my father the value of good wages, benefits, and worker protections for families" - Ken Craig

Workers Defense Action Fund
"I am honored to have earned the trust of the Workers Defense Action Fund, proyecto defensa laboral, fighting for and engaging working Texans in their government". - Ken Craig

Laborers' Local #1095
"Our construction workers are on the front lines of building our city and have earned the right to good wages, benefits, and safety. I am committed to stand with them at City Hall". - Ken Craig

UNITE HERE! Local 23
"I will listen and bring the voice of airport, food service, and hospitality workers to City Hall. I'm proud to have the trust of UNITE HERE! Local 23 - fighting for good jobs and a community where everyone can thrive." - Ken Craig

"Ken is dedicated to service - he's smart, caring and has a track record solving tough problems for people in South Austin."